Our Loot system:
- Each specific instance will have their own DKP points - harder instance = more points you will get. You are getting points only for entering this insance without kill any boss:
10 Naxx - 15 DKP 25 Naxx - 25 DKP 10 OS - 10 DKP 25 OS - 20 DKP 10 VoA - 10 DKP 25 VoA - 20 DKP 10 EoE - 10 DKP 25 EoE - 20 DKP
- Each bosses will have their own DKP points - for killing them ofc :)
Naxx: Arachnid Quarter - each boss 10 DKP Plague Quarter - each boss 10 DKP Construct Quarter - each boss 10 DKP Military Quarter - each boss 10 DKP Frostwyrm Lair - each boss 20 DKP
OS: Sartharion - 15 DKP
VoA: Archavon - 15 DKP
EoE: Malygos - 20 DKP
If we will kill any boss first time as a raid group - everyone from raid will get 5 extra DKP
We know how we can get DKP points - now how to spend them ?
Its like an auction, you just make bids on item you want to get - highest bid wins. All items have min value - 10 DKP - for normal epic items in normal instance - 15 DKP - for set items in normal instance - 15 DKP - for epic items in heroic instance - 20 DKP - for set items in heroic instance so if nobody needs that item you always must pay 10 DKP to get it. You CANT go below your current DKP points - exception if nobody wants it.