1. Be polite !!! first and the most important rule. No exceptions. If you are rude you wont be raiding with us.
2. You can only raid with us. We will make raid callendar for whole week so if for example there wont be 10 men OS in the schedule you can go there with your guild/friends/PuG but before or after our raids.
3. You must be able to raid at least 4-5 times a week with us.
4. You must be alway prepared for raid: - if you dont know any boss you must read about him before raid - you must have all the best flask/potions/food buff for your class - you must have all ress gear if needed - all your items must be repaired - you must have lot of regents/soul shard for your spells/abilities - you must wait at the meeting stone/at the enternance 15 minutes BEFORE our raid will start. If you are not confirmed for the raid but you are on stand by status you must be online till the time we should start - if someone will not show, we will take you. - NO PVP BUILDS/ITEMS !!!
5. We will have our own Loot system based on old DKP
6. You must be able to work with TS/Ventrillo OR ingame voice chat (but dont need to have micro)
7. Even if we will accept your application we will take you on 1-2 trial runs that we could see how you play. You wont be able to loot any items and you must be prepared as a normal member